Finally something new in the horizon. The new machine  that  suddenly makes obsolete everything present today. Surely by now everyone will say that they are able to copy it. But for sure when they get to do it, we will have brought something better.


After a year of research, we are proud to present the most innovative deacking packaging machine currently available in the construction materials industry, a machine that has abandoned and revolutionised all design concepts expressed up to now. It is a machine with the task of completely reforming the pack on the kiln car k to adapt it to its transportation needs. Based on a new technological concept, the proposed deacking packaging machine has been completely revolutionised starting from its functional conception. The guiding idea was to create an extraordinarily simple machine as a design concept in terms of management and maintenance. Everything started from the idea that the presence of rollers and chains for transfer and programming the material is not a good match for the type of work carried out by the machine for the following reasons:

  1. fired material is, by its very nature, fragile and prone to splinter in its handling phases.
  2. the material offcuts are highly abrasive for chains and rollers.
  3. after a certain amount of time the rollers lose their linearity, making material advancement difficult.
  4. offcuts and dust fall between the rollers and chains, forcing personnel to carry out constant cleaning operations on the machine and the area underneath it in conditions which are also significantly inconvenient and uncomfortable.
  5. each sector of the machine requires the presence of workers who must constantly reposition the blocks that are out of place.

In order to eliminate these problems all of the roller and chain benches  were consequently eliminated, entrusting programming of the layers to a four-axis robot. 

In order, the configuration elements of the proposed deacking packaging machine are:

  1. Unloading robot for the material from the kiln cars (as many as are required for production capacity).
  2.  belt bench.
  3. programming robots (as many as are required based on production capacity).
  4. belt bench.
  5. shutter bench for strapping the packs.
  6. electrical control panel.

There is nothing else. The machine is therefore extraordinary in its simplicity and because it is maintenance free. One of its most important characteristics lies in the fact that the machine can grow based on production needs. In short, by simply adding elements such as another robots, for example, its production capacity can be increased. The first installation took one week for assembly in the factory and one week for start-up. In the future the complete assembly and start-up cycle time should be reduced to one week. We decided to publish the operating principle of this machine, making it public domain, therefore even available to our competitors, because based on what has already been achieved we are already drafting an even more innovative solution. In short, the machine we are introducing can already be considered to be outdated for certain features. What we would like to express is the rather clear operating concept with the brief film we are presenting.

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